A new client in the Commplace portfolio – the Inergis brand
The Inergis brand has expanded the agency's client base. At the first stage of cooperation, our team is responsible for preparing a marketing strategy for the client. INERGIS SA operates in the construction and installation industry and was founded in 1988. Since the beginning of its existence, INERGIS has been dealing with on-site energy installations. In addition to traditional technologies such as gas boiler rooms, the company specializes.Renewable Energy Sources (RES), including: photovoltaic installations, heat pumps, cogeneration and trigeneration based on combined systems using absorption and adsorption aggregates. – Our company has been on the market for over 30 years. We have Australia Phone Number List extensive experience and extensive knowledge. Therefore, the time has come when we want to take a closer look at our marketing activities to strengthen the message we send to the world, including, of course, potential customers. We believe that the Commplace agency , as a reliable business partner, will support us in building and developing the Inergis brand. A brand we are proud of.
Adrian Wachelka, Member of the Management Board, representative of Inergis. We are glad that the Inergis brand is another company in our portfolio that represents the renewable energy industry. This industry is currently one of the fastest growing in the world. Working with this type of client gives us the opportunity to help develop a sustainable and ecological future, which is important to us and gives us job satisfaction. By helping to promote renewable energy, we can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the natural environment.