The union proposes to transfer the authority to determine the range of regulated entities from NÚKIB to the government, which would decide on it through its regulation. He mentions a specific risk for the Czech automotive sector. If NIS is more benevolent than domestic legislation, "foreign suppliers may not be willing to meet the increased requirements that the Czech motor vehicle manufacturer will place on them".
Similar to the Ministry of the Environment, the Academy of Sciences demands that research Chinese American Phone Number List organizations conducting basic research be excluded from regulated entities. And if they should perhaps fall there, they should only be subject to obligations in a milder regime.The Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions lacks a high-quality regulation impact analysis (RIA). He disagrees with the conclusion that the bill has no social impact and calls on NÚKIB to revise its report.
The Department of Agriculture states that it does not operate any critical information infrastructure or essential service, yet it is supposed to be a critical infrastructure entity. He also has reservations about the obligation to report incidents by the next day. "If an incident is discovered on Friday afternoon, it cannot be provided within hours," the office defends against new obligations.The Confederation of criticizes the assessment of the riskiness of suppliers, the absence of a remedy against measures of a general nature and the disruption of the business environment.